Sell audio with WooCommerce

What's your website?

1. Define the audio product on your website

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You'll be selling the product on your website, so define the price, title, description, etc. on your website.
Set the product to be "Virtual", but NOT "Downloadable".
Example of simple product.
Example product with variations: set the audiobook variation to be 'virtual' but not 'downloadable'.
Make a note of the product ID and the product URL for the next step.

2. Upload the audio to Awesound

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If you have the audio ready to upload, get started on

2b. Save the WooCommerce product ID to the audio product on Awesound.

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If you use Variable products, enter the variation ID on Awesound.
In this example of a product with variations: the product ID to save to Awesound is 144109 (not 141098).
If you have the audio ready to upload, get started on

3. Set up a webhook

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You only have to do this ONCE for your account, even if you want to sell many audiobooks with Awesound.
Go to WooCommerce → Advanced Settings → Webhooks.
[Enter your domain above to get a direct link to this page in settings.]
Set up a webhook with the following:
Preview: You should see this in WooCommerce
Delivery URL
API Version

4. Set up a REST API key

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You only have to do this ONCE for your account, even if you want to sell many audiobooks with Awesound.
Go to WooCommerce → Advanced Settings → REST API:
[Enter your domain above.]
Click "Add key":
Preview: You should see this in WooCommerce
Confirm by clicking "Generate API key".
Immediately copy-paste the consumer key and secret to your Awesound account.
They should look something like this:
  • consumer_key: ck_bh7rztjfrsdnbtjqgaxq5zp8abyqcxuqexamplek
  • consumer_secret: cs_ktgcpazz7v29vw2f28kyrut2vxt47keqexamples
Paste the consumer key and consumer secret into your "Private details" on your profile: Click "Edit profile" on this page.

5. Amend the emails customers receive from your site

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You only have to do this ONCE for your account, even if you want to sell many audiobooks with Awesound.
In WooCommerce settings, click the "Emails" tab,
[Enter your site's URL above to continue]
Make the same edit for each of "Completed order" and "Order processing" emails
Click "Manage" for the "Completed order" email.
Paste the following "Additional content":
Preview: You should see this in WooCommerce
Additional content
Leave the URL ending with {curly braces}, with the word order_number between them, as shown.
Repeat the same steps for the "Processing order" email.
Optional bonus:
If you are using Jilt or another plugin that lets you customize emails further, you should include the customer's email at the end of the URL, if possible, like this:{order_number}/{customer_email}
With the standard WooCommerce installation, automatically including the {customer_email} is not possible (and that's OK).

6. Make a test purchase to check all is working as expected

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You may need to wait for manual approval to go live – especially when you first submit your REST API key and secret.
If you've any questions, email