Advanced features
Fully customisable
- Customise the look and feel of your purchase pages and checkout flow
- Choose your own free sample to offer listeners
- Customise the email 'receipt' listeners get when they purchase, with your call-to-action, related products, etc.
White-label option: Sell via your website
Prefer to control the whole checkout experience? No problem! Accept payment on your website and let Awesound manage secure audio access behind the scenes.
Optionally use Awesound's private RSS feed engine, with your own website
(quick setup)
Detailed analytics
- Awesound shows which parts of each track were most listened to
- View additional listener insights for each purchase: learn who your customers are
Third-party analytics
Add your identifiers to your Awesound account, to view detailed analytics in your own analytics accounts. Understand your customers and (re-target) potential buyers.
- Google Analytics (view listener analytics in
- Facebook (Pixel)
Listener "refer-a-friend" scheme
- Turn-key solution to help you grow your audience
- You choose the listener rewards/discount
Pricing control
- Change selling price any time you like
- Selling more than one product? Offer bundles for a discount (example)
Discounts and promotions
- Create as many coupons/codes as you like
- Offer reviewers/VIPs free access
- Run limited-time or "first 100 orders only" promotions
No exclusivity, no "gotcha"
- Sell on Awesound in addition to other platforms
- Leave Awesound at any time, and take your data
with you
- Our goal is to make your sales through Awesound your most profitable sales; but you are free to also sell on other platforms
- Best-in-class anti-piracy prevention and detection
- Detailed analytics to investigate any suspect user
- One-click deactivation of shared credentials
- Get instant email alerts of every payment
- View/download real-time payment and customer data at any time
- Auto-generated monthly and yearly reports
Rapid listener support
- Responsive customer support provided by experienced Awesound staff to listeners
- Protect yourself from wasting time on tech support
- For enterprise publishers: Dedicated email available for your listeners, to match your brand
Multi-media support
- Support for a workbook, eBook, video or other media to be included as part of the purchase
Time-stamped transcript support
- Ideal for language lessons, or non-native speakers
- Let listeners jumps to specific points in the audio
- Transcript is only visible to listeners who have (bought) access many more features
Try it now