Sell audio directly to students.

Awesound provides the technology educators need to sell audio securely.

Customers pay and listen easily.
We'll help you improve student outcomes and grow revenue.

Trusted by educators around the world

We make selling audio easy and secure

For you

  • Upload
  • Set price
  • Get paid

For your customers

  • Pay on or via your site
  • Listen securely, via mobile app or streaming online


Keep your brand

Customers buy from you. Customise your sales page on Awesound, or sell via your own website.


Plug and play

Integrate with your existing sales process. Offer audio as a separate product, or as part of a bundle.


Choose security

Analytics and anti-piracy protection means listener convenience, without compromising on security.

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Case studies

These educators use Awesound to boost revenue.

Awesound has received funding and awards from:

Grow your revenue with audio today

Get started

Advanced features

Fully customisable

White-label option: Sell via your website

Prefer to control the whole checkout experience? No problem! Accept payment on your website and let Awesound manage secure audio access behind the scenes.
  • WordPress
  • ClickFunnels (example
  • WooCommerce (example)
  • Optionally use Awesound's private RSS feed engine, with your own website (quick setup)
  • Detailed analytics

    Third-party analytics

    Add your identifiers to your Awesound account, to view detailed analytics in your own analytics accounts. Understand your customers and (re-target) potential buyers.

    Listener "refer-a-friend" scheme

    Pricing control

    Discounts and promotions

    No exclusivity, no "gotcha"



    Rapid listener support

    Multi-media support

    Time-stamped transcript support many more features

    Try it now

    Why is audio so rewarding?

    Rewarding for the listener

    Rewarding for you

    How does it work?

    For the listener:

    1. Pay.
    2. Receive customised email receipt.
    3. Listen, via mobile app or streaming online. Listener must be logged in and can't easily share their access.

    5* listener experience

    We partner with the best

    Tell us more and we'll send on our free advice on next steps:
