Audible/ACX alternative

Awesound combines tens of technical innovations with a disruptive business model, to give audio creators a new way of publishing audio.

Message to audiobook creators:
With Awesound, you're always in control. You get all the peace-of-mind and security benefits of ACX/Audible, while earning 2-3x more. For you, it feels like selling directly to your fans.
Your listeners get a similar experience to Audible. (Better, in fact, since no subscription is required!)
Awesound vs. Audible: what's similar?

Secure access

Great listening experience
The listener has a convenient experience, especially on mobile, including offline access.
πŸ’»πŸ“²Listen on any device: mobile, tablet or laptop.
πŸš΄β€β™€οΈLock screen on mobile and keep listening.
Listen offline / in airplane mode (on mobile only).
Minimise piracy
Secure: The platform monitors use and takes steps to minimise piracy (shared access).
Tech support
We're here to help an listener who needs help, so you don't have to worry about providing customer support.

Awesound vs. Audible: what's different?

Key Differences

Earnings per sale
How much of each sale you get to keep.
Earn 2-3x more with Awesound.
Time to go live
Upload audio, add description and image, set price and make your first sale today (if you have no special requirements).
1 day6-20+ weeks
Know who's buying

See the name and email
address of each customer.

This is very important when you want to tell customers about your other products, and to see which marketing efforts are working.
(On Audible, it's a mystery; you've no idea who's bought your audiobook, and you can't contact them.)
Choose the selling price
On Awesound, you're always in control. You decide how much your audio sells for. Run promotions and experiment with price changes at any time. On ACX/Audible, they decide the price and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sell on your own website [optional]

If you're already comfortable selling on WooCommerce, Shopify or another platform, you can use Awesound as a plug-in. Awesound will deliver secure audio access after you charge the customer on your site.

Learn more and see examples

Advanced features

Free sales page with just your product
When you upload to Awesound, you get a clean sales page with just your product.
View an example or create your own.
Create discount codes/coupons
Create discount codes on Use different coupons to see which marketing channels are working best, or to drive a spike of sales for a given weekend.
Sell audiobooks without requiring a subscription
Selling one-time purchases without requiring listeners to sign up to a monthly commitment.
Let listeners use existing mobile apps

Awesound lets listeners use the podcast apps they already love, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and many more.

Awesound: no app download required.

(Audible requires that listeners download the Audible app.)

Give free access to friends or reviewers
Create a "100% off" discount codes on Use these coupons to grant free access to family, collaborators or influencers.
Avoid exlusive lock-in
You're free to use Awesound alongside any other distribution platform you like.
Customise the receipt email sent to customers
When you make a sale on Awesound, the listener gets an email which you can customise. Audible uses this email to promote other audiobooks; we don't.
Use UTM parameters to track sales
Did a sale happen because of a tweet or because of your last newsletter? On Awesound, you can add UTM parameters to see how each customer clicked through to buy.
Questions? Email
Or sign up now for free and upload some test audio to see how it works.