I am a swimmer.
I am a soccer player.
I am a football player.
I run track.
I am a golfer.
I am a biker.
I am a singer.
I am an artist.
I am a performer.
I am a poet.
I am smart.
What if the one thing you loved to do most was taken away? What then? Who are you without your sport, hobby, passion, the thing that drives you? Sometimes we define ourselves by what we do rather than who we are. And when we can no longer do that thing, it can feel like our whole world has been taken from us.
After a season-ending injury, Erin Baer had to look herself in the mirror and discover who she was without golf. What she found by sitting in the blue chair in her counselor's office opened her world to an untapped strength. She found resiliency through discovering who she was beyond the thing that she thought defined her.
Discover what makes you special in You are More Than Your Sport!
ERIN'S PASSION FOR GOLF started early. While in high school, she honed her skills, taking the top spot her sophomore through senior years, and earned a scholarship at Rockhurst University. Her life experience has taught her the hard lessons of being a survivor, becoming resilient, and ultimately making her an advocate for mental health and causes that are close to her. She is now a thriving entrepreneurial badass who lives her passions as a best-selling author, speaker, and coach.
To purchase the paperback book visit: YouAreMoreThanYourSport.com