Weight management

Take control of your eating habits and lose weight easily

Duration 1 hr 3 mins
Published 14 Apr 2020
Updated 7 Apr 2021
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course for streaming and mobile download

Kim Young is a clinical hypnotherapist with an international diploma from the Essex institute of Hypnotherapy, UK.

Kim has a clinic practice in Cape Town and over 12 years experience with hypnosis

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, it is a normal, natural state of focussed relaxation which we all experience day to day. This relaxation allows you to access the deeper, subconscious part of your mind which drives our beliefs, habits and behaviours. With this access you are able to adjust or reprogram thoughts, beliefs and habits that are unwanted, providing there is a desire to change.

This relaxation recording can be listened to every night at bedtime, relax and fall asleep to the recording and allow the suggestions to help you make the changes you need in your life.

This powerful relaxation is to assist weight loss. Learn to listen to your body's natural instincts that enable you to recognise when you are satisfied and can stop eating.