In the spirit of Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of OZ, this story introduces readers to the magical hidden, and mysterious, world of gnomes, elves and trolls. Sarah, an 11-year old, moves with her family from New York City to rural Hadley, Connecticut. She's eager to explore her new home and meet new friends but she never expected to befriend a dusty old garden gnome. Readers join Sarah as she is drawn into a secret world under our feet. Sarah uses her instincts to calm old rivalries and help the underworld elves, gnomes and more join her in the upper-world.
"With tributes to imaginative children’s classics embedded in it, The One Great Gnome is an endlessly fun middle grade adventure." -- Foreword Reviews
"Various sound effects help bring the story to life. Listeners will cheer Sarah on as she works to bring peace to the land." --AudioFile, June 2021