The Backwoods Writer Writing a Novel

Narrated by the author
Duration 4 hrs 50 mins
Published 17 May 2024
Updated 29 Aug 2024
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Are you someone who has always wanted to write a novel but hasn't known how to start? This might be the book for you.

Are you someone who never in your wildest imagination considered writing a book... until recently? This might be the book for you.

This book contains all the things you need to know about novel writing. It discusses the parts of a novel, gives some grammar cheat sheets, and takes a specific look at the one element of grammar writers seem to struggle with the most -- the comma. As well, you will find a deep dive into writing characters, into plot, and into writing good dialogue.

None of that makes this book unique. What does, is that inside this book there is so much more.

You will find:

-Tips learned the hard way from an author with over twenty published books.

-Information on the resistance you might find inside your own mind when you try to write a novel -- and how to manage the headspace of a writer.

-What to learn from making big mistakes.

-How to do your own editing effectively. Plus,

-Information on publishing options as a traditional and as an indie author.

Leigh Macfarlane has a Master's degree in Creative Writing and has more than twenty published books to her credit. the Backwoods Writer Writing a Novel is the first of Macfarlane's educational books.