A Story of Our Souls

Remembering Love

Narrated by Matt Taylor
Duration 5 hrs 14 mins
Published 7 Apr 2021
Updated 22 Apr 2021
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Digitial audiobook for streaming and mobile download

Do you know

why you might be here or who you might be?

Do you feel an emptiness

or longing yet not sure why?

Do you feel like something is missing,

yet you can't quite figure it out?

Have you heard about your Soul,

yet not sure where it is or how to connect?

Or would you just like to read a really cool book

on life from a different perspective?

A Story of Our Souls – Remembering Love is an adult story book that will take you on a mesmerizing journey of rediscovering yourself. For those who have lost themselves or who are confused, it has many answers or perspectives for your mind. Either for the sake of listening to a GREAT story, reconnecting with your Soul, learning about the Universe, energy or how to play the game better!