Revealing Faith

Moving Mountains In Your Life

Narrated by Wayne C Anderson
Duration 2 hrs 17 mins
Published 13 Mar 2024
Updated 26 Apr 2024
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Digitial audiobook for streaming and mobile download

After decades of miracle faith ministry, Wayne & Stephanie Anderson bring exciting revelation to the kinds of faith found in the scriptures and how to apply that faith to move the mountains that need moving in your life. The principles of faith that you'll find in this book come with exciting revelation and an ending prayer for activation with each chapter.

Get ready to slay some giants and move some mountains in your life.

You may want the book for the prayer protocols that you will hear in the audio version so that you can pray from them on your own. Go to

This book will WOW! you. You will hear things you've never heard before but these are the things that the Spirit of Truth wants you to hear in this hour.

Ekklesia is the government of Jesus Christ. You can step up to that place of the real heavenly government and legislate the will of the Father on earth as in heaven.

You can move mountains. You can slay giants. Miracles can take place every day of your life.