Overcoming Anxiety and Fear in Times of Crisis

How best to adapt to unwanted changes in times of crisis

Duration 15 mins 46 secs
Published 21 Jul 2021
Updated 25 Jul 2021
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How best to adapt to unwanted changes in times of crisis? How to relax and let go of things that are not as important? How to navigate through extraordinary difficult times and preserve your sanity and build up your strength?

Research shows that resilience can be learned and mental strength transpires in the invisible way of how we filter or interpret the world around us, how we handle the enormous challenges we are faced with and how we interact with others…..

Holding a positive view of oneself and one’s abilities, as well as viewing oneself as a fighter and survivor rather than a victim of the circumstances is definitely a healthy approach to life and being resilient as a person.

It is very easy to loose perspective and feeling of being in control in times of crisis. Building a realistic optimism, and taking even small steps to maintain a calm frame of mind, like setting a short time to reflect and relax, both body and mind and focusing on the remaining things that are still in one’s control is another healthy way to go through the difficult times and bounce back once the crisis is over!

We hope that you will find this relaxation and resilience building practice helpful. Listen to it as often as you can. And if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at: Info@Tranceform-Medical.com We would love to hear from you!

Keep safe!