Communing With The Father

At the Table Of The Lord

Narrated by the author
Duration 2 hrs 9 mins
Published 19 Mar 2024
Updated 8 Apr 2024
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Digitial audiobook for streaming and mobile download

The power of deliverance for you is at the Lord's supper.

Communion like you have never known it to be. The more popular Christian legalistic religions have loaded Communion - Eucharist - with traditions that dilute the individual believer's authority to declare their deliverance from the grasp of circumstances.

"You are presenting defiled food upon My altar. But you say, 'How have we defiled you?' In that, you say, 'The Table Of The Lord is to be despised'"

Malachi 1:7

This book will restore your faith and trust in the Lord's Table as you begin to Commune with the Father in the deeper and more intimate ways designed for you by Him. The Holy Spirit will rendezvous with you at this Table of the Lord!

Religion has stolen the power of the Passover from believers. Let your home be protected by the Blood of the Lamb of God.

This is a holy reset to the ways of the Lord - Yahovah - Yeshua HaMessiach.

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