50 GP Presentations for GPST1/2 Trainees

What to ask, What not to miss, How to manage

Narrated by the author
Duration 4 hrs 53 mins
Published 13 Dec 2019
Updated 31 Dec 2022
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If you're a GPST1 or GPST2 trainee and you work in the GP setting this course is for you!

Designed and created to listen and learn on the go, this approx 5 hour audio course exposes you to 50 key presentations that you may see in General Practice - and completely breaks them down.

Which questions to ask, what not to miss, key red flags, psychosocial links, common questions asked, simple explanations, clinical guidelines, management options, health promotion.... and much more!

Get ahead in your rotation and get a head start for your exams.

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Chapters covered:

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 1: Introduction

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 2: Case Types

1) The Non-acute consultation

2) The admission case

3) The urgent referral case

4) The 3rd party case (relative)

5) The Telephone consultation

6) The Home visit consultation

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 3: Cardiac Presentations

7) Chest pain

8) Post MI

9) Palpitations (incl Atrial Fibrillation)

10) Shortness of breath (incl Heart Failure)

11) Hypertension

12) Cardiovascular risk incl lipids

13) Intermittent claudication

14) Suspected DVT

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 4: Dermatology Presentations

15) Rash

16) Mole

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 5: Respiratory Presentations

17) Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

18) Cough (incl Chest Infection)

19) Asthma

20) COPD

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 6: Endocrine Presentations

21) Diabetes

22) Thyroid problems

23) Weight Gain

24) Weight Loss

25) Tired all the Time

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 7: Gastroenterology Presentations

26) Abdominal pain

27) Dyspepsia

28) Change in bowel habit

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 8: Neurology & Ophthalmology Presentations

29) Headache

30) Eye problems

31) Falls

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 9: Psychiatry Presentations

32) Low Mood

33) Anxiety

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 10: ENT Presentations

34) Ear pain

35) Tinnitus

36) Hearing loss

37) Dizziness

38) Sore throat

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 11: Women & Men's Health Presentations

39) Contraception

40) Period change

41) Menopause

42) Pregnancy

43) Suspected UTI

44) Urine symptoms in Males

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 12: Musculoskeletal Presentations

45) Back pain

46) Upper limb Pain

47) Lower limb Pain

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 13: Miscellaneous Presentations

48) Alcohol

49) Nocturnal Enuresis

50) Palliative Care scenarios

πŸ‘‰ CHAPTER 14: Summary and Conclusion

* No real life cases discussed - all situations/examples are fictitious.

* Not for medical advice - to be used solely as a revision aid for medical exams and for CPD update.

* Designed to be up-to-date at time of last update - no responsibility taken for guideline changes - please correlate with latest guidelines and regulations.

* Based on UK NICE guidelines (other countries may use different guidelines)

References include various NICE CKS guidelines: cks.nice.org.uk

πŸ“±Website for Dr Aman's other medical education support: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk