Red White & Blind

The Truth About Disinformation and the Path to Media Consciousness

Narrated by the author
Duration 13 hrs 29 mins
Published 5 days ago
Updated 3 days ago
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Digitial audiobook for streaming and mobile download

Why were the sordid deeds of Jeffery Epstein concealed for two decades? Why was inquiry into the origin of covid suppressed? Why are social media sites censoring scientists, doctors, journalists, and scholars?

Through dozens of absorbing exposés, Red, White & Blind reveals the corporate media's deliberate lies, tendentious censorship, and ironic use of the term "disinformation." This deceit has driven faith in corporate news to all-time lows, but it has also birthed an independent media revolution—a New Enlightenment—enabling Americans to see through the walls of "confirmation bias" and perceive the world more directly and accurately than ever before.

In this book, you will learn:

- How the Father of Propaganda convinced Americans to love bananas, World War I, and the color green.

- Why the notion of "objective, professional journalism" was invented in the early 1900s.

- How the CIA placed agents in the media and why they likely still do.

- How to understand family and friends with any set of political views.

- Why today's social media censorship violates the First Amendment.

- Why "fact-checking" websites almost always fail.

- The meaning of "gaslighting," "shadowbanning," and "narrative management."